- Zhang A, Kahn A, Daw N, Nussenbaum K, & Hartley CA. Children leverage predictive representations for flexible, value-guided choice. [Preprint]
- Nussenbaum K & Hartley CA. Reinforcement learning increasingly shapes memory specificity from childhood to adulthood. [Preprint]
- Jach H, Cools R, Frisvold A, Grubb M. A, Hartley CA, Hartmann J, Hunter L, Jia R, P. de Lange F, Larisch R, Lavelle-Hill Rosa E, Levy I, Li Y, Van Lieshout L, Nussenbaum K, Ravaioli S, Wang S, Wilson R, Woodford M, Murayama K & Gottlieb J. Individual differences in information demand have a low dimensional structure predicted by some curiosity traits. [Preprint]
- Ma I, Phaneuf C, van Opheusden B, Ma WJ, & Hartley CA. Distinct developmental trajectories in the cognitive components of complex planning. [Preprint]
- Hunter LE*, Bornstein AM*, & Hartley CA. A common deliberative process underlies model-based planning and patient intertemporal choice. *Equal author contribution. [Preprint]
- Nussenbaum K*, Katzman P*, Lu H, Zorowitz S, & Hartley CA (2024). Sensitivity to the instrumental value of choice increases across development. *Equal author contribution. Psychological Science. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K & Hartley CA (2024). Understanding the development of reward learning through the lens of meta-learning. Nature Reviews Psychology. [PDF]
- Raab HA*, Goldway N*, Foord C, & Hartley CA. (2024). Adolescents flexibly adapt action selection based on controllability inferences. *Equal author contribution. Learning & Memory. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K*, Martin RE*, Maulhardt S, Yang Y, Bizzell-Hatcher G, Bhatt NS, Scheuplein M, Rosenbaum GM, O'Doherty JP, Cockburn J, & Hartley CA. (2023). Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. *Equal author contribution. eLife. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Goldway N, Eldar E, Shoval G & Hartley CA (2023) Computational Mechanisms of Addiction and Anxiety: A Developmental Perspective. Biological Psychiatry. [PDF]
- Hartley CA (2022) How do natural environments shape adaptive cognition across the lifespan?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [PDF]
- Cohen AO*, Phaneuf CV*, Rosenbaum G, Glover MM, Avallone KN, Shen X & Hartley CA (2022) Reward-motivated memories influence new learning across development. Learning & Memory. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Saragosa-Harris NM, Cohen AO, Reneau TR, Villano WJ, Heller AS, & Hartley CA (2022) Real-World Exploration Increases Across Adolescence and Relates to Affect, Risk Taking, and Social Connectivity. *Equal author contribution. Psychological Science. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Cohen AO, Glover M, Shen X, Phaneuf CV, Avallone KN, Davachi L, & Hartley CA. (2022). Reward enhances memory via age-varying online and offline neural mechanisms across development. Journal of Neuroscience. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Raab HA, Foord C, Ligneul R*, & Hartley CA*. (2022). Developmental shifts in computations used to detect environmental controllability. *Equal author contribution. PLOS Computational Biology. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K, Velez JA, Washington, BT, Hamling HE, & Hartley CA. (2022). Flexibility in valenced reinforcement learning computations across development. Child Development. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Cohodes, E., Odriozola, P., Mandell, J., Caballero, C., McCauley, S., Zacharek, S., Hodges, H., Haberman, J., Smith, M., Thomas, J., Meisner, O., Ellis, C., Hartley, CA., & Gee, DG. (2022). Neural effects of controllability as a key dimension of stress exposure. Development and Psychopathology. [PDF]
- Rosenbaum G, Grassie HL, & Hartley CA. (2022). Valence biases in reinforcement learning shift across adolescence and modulate subsequent memory. eLife. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Hartley CA, Nussenbaum K, & Cohen AO. (2021). Interactive development of adaptive learning and memory. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology. [PDF]
- Nussenbaum K & Hartley CA. (2021). Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory. eLife. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Saragosa-Harris NM*, Cohen AO*, Shen X, Sardar H, Alberini CM, & Hartley CA. (2021). Associative memory persistence and specificity in three- to five-year-olds. Developmental Science. *Equal author contribution. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K, Scheuplein M, Phaneuf CV, Evans MD, & Hartley CA. (2020). Moving developmental research online: comparing in-lab and web-based studies of model-based reinforcement learning. Collabra: Psychology. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Hartley CA & Poeppel D. (2020). Beyond the Stimulus: A Neurohumanities Approach to Language, Music, and Emotion. Neuron. [PDF]
- Cohen AO*, Nussenbaum K*, Dorfman HM, Gershman SJ, & Hartley CA. (2020). The rational use of causal inference to guide reinforcement learning strengthens with age. npj Science of Learning. *Equal author contribution. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Raab HA & Hartley CA. (2020). Adolescents exhibit reduced Pavlovian biases on instrumental learning. Scientific Reports. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K*, Cohen AO*, Davis ZJ, Halpern D, Gureckis TM, & Hartley CA. (2020). Causal information-seeking strategies change across childhood and adolescence. Cognitive Science. *Equal author contribution. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Heller AS, Shi TC, Ezie CEC, Reneau TR, Baez LM, Gibbons CJ & Hartley CA. (2020). Association between real-world experiential diversity and positive affect relates to hippocampal-striatal functional connectivity Nature Neuroscience. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Fandakova Y & Hartley CA. (2020). Mechanisms of learning and plasticity in childhood and adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. [PDF]
- Katzman PL & Hartley CA. (2020). The Value of Choice Facilitates Subsequent Memory Across Development. Cognition. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K, Prentis E, & Hartley CA. (2020). Memory’s reflection of learned information value increases across development. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Nussenbaum K & Hartley CA. (2019). Reinforcement learning across development: What insights can we draw from a decade of research? Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. [PDF]
- Cohen AO, Matese NG, Filimontseva A, Shen X, Shi TC, Livne E, & Hartley CA. (2019). Aversive learning strengthens episodic memory in adolescents and adults. Learning and Memory. [PDF] [Data & Code]
- Raab HA & Hartley CA. (2019). More than two forms of Pavlovian prediction. Nature Human Behaviour. News & Views. [PDF]
- Rosenbaum GM & Hartley CA. (2019). Developmental perspectives on risky and impulsive choice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. [PDF]
- Gee DG, Bath KG, Johnson CM, Meyer HC, Murty VP, van den Bos W, & Hartley, CA. (2018). Neurocognitive development of motivated behavior: Dynamic changes across childhood and adolescence. Journal of Neuroscience. [PDF]
- Hartley CA, Coelho CA, Boeke E, Ramirez F, & Phelps EA. (2018). Individual differences in blink rate modulate the effect of instrumental control on subsequent Pavlovian responding. Psychopharmacology. [PDF]
- Patzelt EH, Hartley CA, & Gershman SJ. (2018). Computational phenotyping: using models to understand individual differences in personality, development, and mental illness. Personality Neuroscience. [PDF]
- Raab HA & Hartley CA. (2018). The development of goal-directed decision making. Morris RM, Bornstein AM, Shenhav A (eds.) Goal-directed Decision Making: Computations and Neural Circuits. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [PDF]
- Powers KE, Yaffe G, Hartley CA, Davidow JY, Kober H, & Somerville LH. (2018). Consequences for peers differentially bias computations about risk across development. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. [PDF]
- Raio CM, Hartley CA, Orederu TA, Li J, & Phelps EA. (2017). Stress attenuates the flexible updating of aversive value. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [PDF]
- Moscarello JM, & Hartley CA (2017). Agency and the calibration of motivated behavior. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [PDF]
- Boeke EA, Moscarello JM, LeDoux JE, Phelps EA, & Hartley CA (2017). Active avoidance: Neural mechanisms and attenuation of Pavlovian conditioned responding. Journal of Neuroscience. [PDF]
- Hartley CA & Sokol-Hessner P. (2017). Affect is the foundation of value. In Richard Davidson, Alex Shackman, Andrew Fox, and Regina Lapate (Ed.), The Nature of Emotion. Oxford University Press.
- Potter TCS*, Bryce NV*, & Hartley CA. (2017). Cognitive components underpinning the development of model-based learning. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. *Equal author contribution. [PDF]
- Decker JH, Otto AR, Daw ND, & Hartley CA. (2016). From creatures of habit to goal-directed learners: Tracking the developmental emergence of model-based reinforcement learning. Psychological Science. [PDF] [Data]
- Hartley CA & Somerville LH. (2015). The neuroscience of adolescent decision-making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. [PDF]
- Gershman SJ & Hartley CA. (2015). Individual differences in learning predict the return of fear. Learning and Behavior. [PDF]
- Lourenco F, Decker JH, Pedersen GA, Dellarco DV, Casey BJ & Hartley CA. (2015). Consider the source: adolescents and adults similarly follow older adult advice more than peer advice. PLoS ONE. [PDF]
- Dincheva I*, Drysdale AT*, Hartley CA*, Johnson DC*, Jing DQ, King EC, Ra S, Gray M, Yang R, DeGruccio AM, Huang C, Glatt CE, Hill MN, Casey BJ & Lee FS. (2015). Identical genetic variation in mouse and human FAAH enhances frontoamygdala connectivity and function. Nature Communications. *Equal author contribution; alphabetical order. [PDF]
- Decker JH, Lourenco F, Doll B & Hartley CA. (2015). Experiential learning outweighs instruction prior to adulthood. Cognitive Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. [PDF]
- Sokol-Hessner P*, Hartley CA*, Hamilton JR & Phelps EA. (2015). Interoceptive ability predicts aversion to losses. Cognition and Emotion. *Equal author contribution; order determined arbitrarily. [PDF]
- Hartley CA & Lee FS. (2015). Sensitive periods in affective development: Nonlinear maturation of fear learning. Neuropsychopharmacology. [PDF]
- Hartley CA, Moscarello JM, Quirk GJ & Phelps EA. (2014). The cognitive neuroscience of fear and its control: From animal models to human experience. In M. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences.
- Hartley CA, Gorun A, Reddan M, Ramirez F, & Phelps EA. (2014). Stressor controllability modulates fear extinction in humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. [PDF]
- Drysdale AT, Hartley CA, Pattwell SS, Ruberry EJ, Somerville LH, Compton SN, Lee FS, Casey BJ & Walkup JT. (2014). Fear and anxiety from principle to practice: Implications for when to treat youth with anxiety disorders. Biological Psychiatry. [PDF]
- Hartley, CA & Casey, BJ (2013). Risk for anxiety and implications for treatment: Developmental, environmental, and genetic factors governing fear regulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [PDF]
- Hartley CA & Phelps EA. (2013). Fear model in animals and humans. In R. Vasa and A.K. Roy (Eds.), Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Clinical Guide. Berlin: Springer. [PDF]
- Pattwell SS, Duhoux S, Hartley CA, Johnson DC, Jing D, Ruberry EJ, Powers A, Mehta N, Soliman F, Glatt CE, Casey BJ, Ninan I & Lee FS. (2012). Altered fear learning across development in both mouse and human. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [PDF]
- Hartley CA, McKenna MC, Salman R, Holmes A, Casey BJ, Phelps EA & Glatt CE. (2012). Serotonin transporter polyadenylation polymorphism modulates the retention of fear extinction memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [PDF]
- Hartley CA & Phelps EA. (2012). Anxiety and decision-making. Biological Psychiatry. [PDF]
- Hartley CA & Phelps EA. (2012). Extinction learning. In N.M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Berlin: Springer. [PDF]
- Hartley CA, Fischl B & Phelps EA. (2011). Brain structure correlates of individual differences in the acquisition and inhibition of conditioned fear. Cerebral Cortex. [PDF]
- Hartley CA & Phelps EA. (2010). Changing fear: The neurocircuitry of emotion regulation. Neuropsychopharmacology. [PDF]
- Sobel N, Khan RM, Hartley CA, Sullivan EV & Gabrieli JD. (2000). Sniffing longer rather than stronger to maintain olfactory detection threshold. Chemical Senses. [PDF]
- Sobel N, Prabhakaran V, Hartley CA, Desmond JE, Glover GH, Sullivan EV & Gabrieli JD. (1999). Blind smell: brain activation induced by an undetected air-borne chemical. Brain. [PDF]
- Sobel N, Prabhakaran V, Hartley CA, Desmond JE, Zhao Z, Glover GH, Gabrieli JD & Sullivan EV. (1998). Odorant-induced and sniff-induced activation in the cerebellum of the human. Journal of Neuroscience. [PDF]